Simorg Training Module integrates all resources (devices, classrooms, instructors and students) in one place to manage curriculum, facility availability and certification program for an improved resource management. It allows you to automate and monitor the training process from registration to the completion. Provide consistent training experience for students through an efficient and collaborative approach.
It may be challenging to manage all resources and categorize them according to different criteria. Simorg gives ability to classify students and training types; making it easy for you to match them with available resources.
Efficient scheduling is your power to grow your business and increase customer satisfaction. The training module provides advanced feature set to optimal planning with all resources.
Simorg is the most capable tool to track compliancy of your students, instructors, and devices by means of qualification rules and validity periods. Receive notifications every time anything is not as it should be.
Simorg Forecast evaluates your up-to-date data and display statistics that will help you estimate whether the resources are sufficient in your training plan for the next year.